Pacifiers for newborns have their supporters and opponents. For some, they are an essential element in baby equipment, while others do not want to use them at all. Although ultimately the child decides whether they need a pacifier or not, parents must choose which pacifier to buy for their newborn. The task of this product is to ensure the healthy development of the child’s jaw, support its natural development, and satisfy the sucking reflex. A pacifier can become your little one’s best friend. It soothes the baby when it starts crying and is also indispensable during teething. Itchy gums can cause discomfort and your baby will want to put anything in its mouth that gets in its way. Additionally, this product is very helpful for parents of babies with a strong sucking reflex as they may constantly ask for food even when they are not hungry. To make your search easier, we have created a ranking list for baby pacifiers.